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Get Your Small Plate Guide

Discover how Small Plates can help boost profits with our free download packed with recipe inspiration.

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Small Plates are taking the UK by storm! Get in on the action and learn exactly how you can easily create dishes to delight your customers as well as make great profits using our Small Plates guide.

In recent years Small Plate dining has grown even further in popularity and has begun to replace the traditional two or three course meal on menus in modern dining settings. According to the latest consumer trends, your customers are looking to try new and exciting dishes in social settings with friends without breaking the bank, the Small Plates solution fits perfectly. They enable Casual Dining restaurants to make their menu more agile and offer more dishes to customers without using extra food supplies.

In our guide we give you:

  • New consumer insights backed by consumer survey data
  • Unique advice from Graham Kirk Executive Head Chef at Gusto, enabling you to make the best decisions for profit and success. 
  • Also included is a variety of Small Plates recipe solutions to spark your imagination. 

Designed around how your customers like to eat, these easy to customise menu suggestions are sure to get your customers coming back in with all of their friends.

Get the Small Plates Guide Below